The Mentor

Literature is a life-long mentor
Those who come into its loving arms;
Learn skills that some long for,
While others foolishly disrespect its charms

It teaches us narratives
Gives us our own voice
To tell the story of different lives
This lets us escape from our life’s vice

It teaches us how to analyze
To peer in between the lines
To ask ourselves, “what does this symbolize?”
And “What is the importance that it rhymes?”

It teaches us the art of argumentation
How to build a thesis as strong as steel,
And how to scour for proving evidence like an exploration
This results in an argument as unbreakable as a Navy SEAL

Literature, the mentor, has become a critical part of who we are
Teaching those who come to it, “soft” skills that set us apart
It has and always will guide those far
And, will never part.

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